#214437 - “Great, just great, now I have to deal with a peeping tom on my ledge; why these thieves insist on being annoyingly persistent…” The sight of a young, grinning man, in the process of his masturbation routine, plus the rather obvious trio of targets below on the street; her temper roared, flaring on towards new levels of being incensed that ever before in her life. As she breathed they moved ever slightly in sympathetic harmony. Yet…? “Oh well, back to other matter at hands…now my fine sets of bedmates; let us all be more and most enthused in what is to be our finest moments of sensations…” In moments, the viewer is wracked by waves of pleasures and sensations defying any and all explanations; save for on a level appropriate for great, eternal changes wrought in the cosmos… * * * * * * Rh’aan slowly put the silken kimono about herself, its jade coloration mixed with three mother-of-pearl pan-li-lungs at play; clung to her slender form like a lithe, second skin, all the
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