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#166978 - He knew she loved fucking Don with his big mushroom headed cock because they had swapped a few times with Don and his wife Jane and Diana had told him how much fun it was to fuck another man and how she liked the way his cock felt different in her than John’s! Not necessarily better, just different. ” “They are especially wondering if you have anything on under that dress and I suspect if you do, it isn’t much!” Diana giggled, “no, not much at all, but I am wearing panties, she raised her dress so Debby could see her tap pants!” “Good girl, Debby giggled that will keep them at bay for about five minutes this evening”! They both laughed at this statement, knowing that the guys would be plying her with lots of alcohol in hopes of seeing her birthday suit or better yet, getting into her birthday suit! “John thinks it’s sexy when I wear tap pants or no panties at all, but I’m not so sure it doesn’t make me look a little out of shape, what with my butt cheeks wiggling around back there.

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Michiru kaioh
We need god
Rei furuya
Bwc please lol wait till she sees bbc